As we can say coin has two sides head and tail. Life has its own rules .No winning victory or no champions in this race. No one is that much satisfied who can say that Finished .. i have achieved my lifetime goal and now i dont want anything . Everyone has some goal if they acheieved it they want more success , they want more bigger achievement then previous one. A famous quote saying "Life is game ,either u lose or win " Inspired by this quote many motivated loosers can go in a path to win . But what about the winners no one get that phase of experience. When anybody wins or achieved their goal they within a second a thought came to their mind "I acheived this now i want more than this "What the hell is happeing with humans. Even me , I am also in this cycle.No one can escape from this . Even nowadays i came to know that even death humans don't want normal. They want to satisfy other humans in their death also . I meant to say if a particular person dead , bef...
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